It's Friday night and I am doing homework. Obviously right now I am taking a break and posting a blog. I have much that I am thinking about. I have been so blessed lately. Actually I have been so blessed for years. This past Monday I had an exam that I totally spaced until TWO days before. I had mixed up my classes and thought that the NSG exam was on the 26th and the Pharmacology exam was on the 3rd. Well the Pharm test was on the 26th and I figured this out on the 24th!!!! CRAP! I needed at lease a week to prepare for this exam. I decided not to freak out because what would that do? You can't read through tears so they would have been a waste of valuable time.
Just breathe... and do what you can Julie, there is nothing else to do.
I told Ryan what had happened and he was very supportive, even though this meant the day we had planned to spend together would be spent studying :( He fed me and then took a nap next to me as I studied. Sweet man :) Later on Ryan's mom suggested that I get a blessing.... Why didn't I think of that? Brilliant. I called sister McGuire to see if Bishop could give me a much needed blessing the next day. They had been in Utah for Kristin's graduation from BYU (woot woot!), and wouldn't be home until late Sunday night. I needed to study so I knew that I couldn't stay in Flag that long and wait. I didn't (and still don't) Know who my home teachers were , and I didn't know ANY priesthood in Cottonwood. Then sister McGuire offered her house as a study place until they got home. I love that woman. She is unbelievably kind and gracious. I could never thank her enough for everything that she has done for me. Over the years she has gone out of her way to make me feel loved. I appreciate her and I know that Heavenly Father put the McGuire family in my life to show me how much he loves and watches over me. I am deeply grateful and can't express my love for ALL of them in simple words.
After conference, Sunday was spend studying as hard as I could. I prayed that my mind could comprehend and retain information. The family came home around 7:30 and Bishop gave me a blessing. I felt so comforted. I was not stressed and I knew that I had done everything that I could do. I had faith to know that Heavenly Father would help me. I went to bed that night around one, woke up at five and studied until my exam at 8. I went into the exam with a clear mind. I read the questions carefully and I made sure to do my best. I have to explain a little background now, I have been really struggling in this class. You need a 75 or better in order to pass and I had done horribly on the last two exams. If I needed anything, it was to do well on this one. Still, I didn't let fear in. I was strong and did my best. So what did I get???
I passed with a 96 %
Absolutely unbelievable! The best score that I have gotten all semester. The church is true. Not because I scored a 96, but because the lord acts through the priesthood of this TRUE church to bless us in our time of need. I needed him. I could not have done that without help. He calmed my mind, cleared my mind, strengthened my mind, and blessed me. The priesthood is such a beautifully tender pathway for the Lord to give blessings. I feel the closest to my Savior through prayer, Temple attendance, and the holy priesthood.
I am not only thankful for the priesthood that is in my life but for the priesthood that blesses my sister. The wonderful men in her ward have been there for her. Her bishop loves her. I pray that someday she can have the blessing of a worthy priesthood holder in her home. Until then, I thank the amazing men and women of her ward. She deserves NONE of what has been done to her! This church will carry her, and I am so thankful that she and I are apart of it.

I just wanted to blog about this. I don't want to forget the blessings I have.
I love this Church, I love the Temple, I love my FAMILY!