I don't have much time but I wanted to post something after that last sad blog. I only have three weeks left of actual school and then I will be starting my preceptorship at St. Josephs hospital in the L&D. I am very excited! I was able to talk to Elle my Preceptor and I found out that she has an accent. That's fun, and I am really looking forward to meeting and working with her. I am going to work as hard as I possibly can at this preceptorship and hopefully that will showcase me in a way that will help me find a job. I would absolutely LOVE to work at St. Joes and I like everything that they stand for. As an aspiring Midwife and current Doula, I am a little leery of they way hospitals view and treat pregnant women. Thankfully St. Joes is very supportive of Midwifery and the have quite a few CNM's on staff (Certified Nurse Midwife). I was able to talk to the new graduate adviser and she informed me of the programs that I could enter in to become a CNM through their hospital. Honesty, from my first impression I could see myself working there for a very long time.
School is going great! Neurology is freaking AWESOME! There is so much to learn and I think it is really fascinating. I take my last regular exam next Tuesday and I can't believe it! After that I only have my Final and my Exit HESSI exam :) I have loved Nursing school. It has been unbelievably hard and challenging but it has been so rewarding. As I always do, I will relate it to birth. Nursing school has been like a woman going through labor, working though all the many contractions and then when it is over she has a beautiful baby to show for it! I have worked so hard but I will be a Nurse after all of this is over. I know that I still have a tremendous about to learn but I am ready and willing to do it.
I love people. I love being able to help someone feel better. I will do everything that I can to get a job so that I can finally make a living doing what I love. I AM SO BROKE lol! The cost of becoming a Nurse is freaking ridiculous! I have encountered so many little costs here and there during the final stretch and they are adding up really fast. Well I guess some of them are not so little, like my NCLEX Nursing exam to become licensed in AZ...500$ an NCLEX review class 450$. Ouch! Welp I have never wanted to put things on my credit card but now seems like an adequate time.
Chris and I are still doing great. He works so hard and I am incredibly proud of him. His office is up for "Office of the Month" again and his company is definitely noticing how much he has to do with that. He was going to open his own dental office but now it looks like he will be able to buy into the office he is currently working at! This is really great news because the other Dr. he works with is wonderful and they make an awesome team. The whole office makes a great team! I love the people he works with and I know they make his life at work SO much easier. Also some other big news, Chris is the #6 Dentist in Arizona!! His company works with numbers and then they rank the Dr's on overall performance and productivity. Basically he is rocking it! He doesn't talk about it but I have to because I am just so proud of him :) Way to go Baby!!!
Spring break was nice and relaxing! I got to spend time with my family and that was wonderful. I didn't feel like I had enough time with the kidos though :( I didn't even get to see my baby niece Lily *sniff sniff*. The weather was phenomenal and my sissy and I took Tyson and Makeely to the pool but I had just done my hair and so I was lame and didn't get in and really play with them, major bummer. Keely is such a good swimmer! She is fearless and just jumps right in. Tyson as always is a fishy and he gets faster all the time. That boy is athletic in every way! Both of the kids are getting so big, and I still hold strong that Ty will out grow me by his 14th birthday. I went to a volleyball activity with my sister and that was a blast. I got to spend quality time with Nana and I know I will cherish that time.
Anyway, it's about that time to get back to my studies!
House Warming Ceremony Invitation Sample
4 years ago