I have been busy down in the Valley and have not taken the time to blog over the last month. I had an absolute blast during the break. I was able to see so many friends and hang out with my family. The best part was catching up on sleep! Ahhhh it felt so good to sleep in til noon. Yup I don't mess around when It comes to sleeping in. I listen to my body and if It's tiered, then I let it sleep as long as it wants. Now when I am in school I have to keep the early morning schedule so naturally, naps are essential. Sleep = Happy Julie...The end! If I am not rested I am anything but a ball of sunshine.
School starts this Wednesday and I am really excited! I am looking forward to being in the hospital and learning more so that I can feel more competent. The hardest thing for me is when I am faced with a problem that I don't know the answer to. Someone is sick or hurting and in need of care that I do not yet know how to provide. I am fully set on being the most capable and knowledgeable Nurse so that I can help as many people as possible.
In other news, I have started P90X! And I have made it a goal to stick with it and to get healthy! Over the past few years I have put on the pounds. Thankfully my body does well in gaining weight all over and not just in certain areas. This has also been why I haven't made it the priority I should have. The difference has been so very slight that it was hard to acknowledge that I truly was gaining as much weight as the scale showed. I thought well...I still look ok even though the scale told me I gained ten pounds...I'm alright as long as I don't gain anymore. Well that has not been happening. I have gained 38 pounds over the last five years, and I have gone from a size 8 to a 14! Yikes!! Wow typing that makes it even More real. I decided to blog about it simply because I don't want to let myself get back in the, "as long as I don't gain anymore I'm fine" mode. I do that as a way to opt out of losing weight and putting in all the effort I know is necessary. This is not healthy, my BMI is WAY too high, and I am going to stop it now. The goal is to be healthy, Feel healthy, Eat healthy,and live healthy. I care about my body and I don't want to look back ten years from now and wish I had done something to change my bad habits. I see my patients who have treated their body's like trash for a lifetime and now have a death sentence for it. Hypertension, Diabetes, obesity...the list goes on and on. I love my heart, I love my lungs, and I love myself enough to get and stay healthy. Wish me luck! I will need it :)