Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Last Clinical of block one!

Today was the last early morning clinical of my first semester of nursing! What a day and way to end things. I think that every crazy, exciting, awful, thing happened to me today and I am having mixed feelings about all of it. I cried, laughed, and got thoroughly confused. I guess I would say that I ended this semesters clinical rotation with a bang.
First of all, I had a patient that was at the end stages and was expected to go at any point. He was first admitted with a broken hip that he had sustained during a previous fall. From that point on his health took a rapid down turn and he has only deteriorated since. As I began my initial assessment he was completely unresponsive. He would mumble yes and no but would not open his eyes. During the assessment I found problem after problem. Pressure ulcers, pitting edema, extreme skin breakdown, UTI, COPD, liver failure, infected surgical site, ingrown toenails, A-fib, ect....and in between labored breathing he managed to tell me that he was having extreme chest pain. It was heart breaking to witness, and even more heart breaking to not be able to directly treat him. As a student, I am at the will of the nurse and Doctor in charge of his care. I gather the information, report it, and then ponder the care plan I would implement. A back rub, therapeutic communication, bed bath, and sympathy was all I could do. It’s hard to feel useless.
Along with caring for my patient I was very busy with all sorts of calls! Every time I would walk out into the hall something crazy was happening.
Now....many of the situations were....hmmm how can I say this to all not desensitized by the medical world... Haha I guess I can’t. I’ll just say (figuratively) I was up to my eyeballs in BM, blood, and C-diff. If you don’t know what all that means....be grateful and don’t ask unless you’re prepared to know. I came as close as ever to throwing up.
I also had the strangest situation today that made me laugh. Between "Code Browns" I passed a room and the patient inside started screaming for me. "NURSE NURSE COME QUICK!" I ran in and his phone was ringing. He said "Hurry! Answer my phone!" thrown off by this I said "Um alright, uh, What is your name?" he told me and so I answered his phone saying
Me-"Hello, this is -----‘s room"
Man on the phone- "WHO ARE YOU!!!??"
Me-"My name is Julie and I am a student nurse who is helping take care of -----"
Man- " Well that’s all fine and dandy but ----- has to pee! He REALLY has to pee!"
...dumbfounded, Me-" I will help him get to the bathroom then,... thank you?"
Man-" Ok, I will be calling back in five minutes to check!" *Click*
Side note- I have never seen or taken care of this particular patient before. I don’t have the slightest clue about him let alone his diagnosis.
So I begin to talk to the patient and I realize that he is not making any sense at all. I was almost certain he had dementia. He said that he needed a urinal and sent me looking all over his room for the hidden urinal. Crystal, one of my fellow student nurses was passing the room at the time and so I asked her if she could try to locate another one for me. I was looking as fast as I could because I knew that the poor guy was straining to hold it and the Pee patrol was going to call back. Minutes later Crystal came back with a large cup, and told me that it was all she could find. Apparently every other urinal was hiding too! I figured oh well, critical thinking at its best. After all this I sit him up, get him ready, and ....He miraculously doesn’t have to go anymore.
Are you freaking kidding me?
Ah the joys of geriatrics :) I didn’t stay long enough to see if indeed the pee patrol called back but it was defiantly a funny experience
Anyway, this is all I have time to write about for now. A lot of other things happened but I don’t really want to get into that now. I am shaken by it for some reason but perhaps I will write about it tomorrow. It was a sad experience and I am still absorbing it. At the end of today I feel like I have learned a ton and I am grateful that I had the opportunities to grow.
Now its back to studying....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mine life, Nursingness, and such stuff :)

I am now over half way done with my first semester of nursing school. I just went back and looked at the first few blogs that I wrote and it already feels like that was such a long time ago. Just this last weekend I was able to attend a nursing conference and it got me so Jazzed! Over 400 nusing students and Nurses showed up. The NSNA is the National Student Nurses Association, and they put on this conference. They do them twice a year all over the country but this mid-year conference just happened to be in PHX AZ! I was able to learn about so many different opportunities and specialties that interested me. One opportunity that stood out was were I could attend grad school! Well it was a place that I had never thought of going but it seemed to be the perfect fit. Where might this be????

VANDERBILT school of nursing in Nashville Tennessee! I would get my master of science in nursing in 2 1/2 years and then spend another year 1/2 for my DNP (doctorate of Nursing Practice) in Midwifery or Neonatal Nurse practitioner. I haven't decided which of those two specialities I want to go into. Do I want more of the pregnancy, labor, and delivery? Or do I want the delivery and the important care of critically ill or high risk newborns? I want them both.... so how do I choose? Well I have a few years to figure that out, and I'm sure my OB rotations in the hospital will help. Here are some pictures from the conference

This is Me standing with the CEO of the American Red Cross!! Talk about an incredible woman! One among many great Nurses to attend the conference.

This was the board of Directors and a picture of Lisa and I.

So that's my plan as of semester one. I have no idea where life will take me but it sure feels good to have this as my goal. Since the first time I thought about becoming a Nurse practitioner I have felt a pull towards it. I feel like a little kid again and if you ask me what I want to be when I grow up...It's a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner! I looked at my life and I thought, wow, the sky is the limit! I can be anything I want to be. I have absolute freedom. I am not married, I don't have kids and so right now I can go for it all.... and I am going to.

On to other things, Halloween was last weekend and I had a lot of fun. The conference put on a Halloween party Friday night so I was able to dress up twice:) I was Freddy Kruger this year.

I got Balloon Boy! And Wolverine!
On the actual Halloween I went to the Phoenix Zoo and helped my friends with a haunted house. It wasn't really a haunted house though, It was set up to be an exhibit of dangerous creatures. You walk in and you think that you are going to see a terrifying deadly monster and as soon as they drop the curtain to reveal it....the cage is empty and The monster had escaped! They rush everyone out and then the rest of the exhibit is running and trying to get away from the monster that is on the loose! It was really fun to be apart of it. I scared so many people, and a made a few kids cry...Not on purpose though! I felt bad and so I broke character a few times to sooth young kids being forced by their parents to continue on. After the Zoo, I teamed up with Elena and we went out dancing. We stopped by Mern's on the way and saw All the Besties, it was so good to see Meagan, Roy, Zach, Kara, Lindz, and Mern. I love those kids! Elena and I had a lot of fun and we stayed out til after 2 am. Good times!
Well that's the update for now. I am just learning to put pictures on here so I hope they all turn out!